Development Photographs 2

Following on from my first developments, I proceeded to experiment with using natural lighting. Linking my developments with Aldridge, I realised that using natural lighting would take away the colour contrast as the kitchen I was using is black and white. I bought a yellow dress to wear, and complimented in with red lipstick so that the contrast is brought back into the composition.

To develop on my first compositions, I carried on with the angles that I had experimented with before. As I have wanted to portray the power of the woman, I placed the camera at an angle that appears to be looking up at the subject. This gives the illusion that I am larger in the composition. As the model, I experimented with the different poses and positions, for example, I sat on the counter top to reflect laziness and lack of interest. I wanted to still incorporate the 'boredom' side to the photographs similar to Aldridge to represent the fact that cooking is considered 'easy' to women as it is so natural.  In photoshop, I changed the brightness and contrast quite dramatically so that the colours were bold and harsh to reflect the Aldridge style. 

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