'A Woman's place is in the kitchen.'

Developing further within my project, my recent photographs reflect the topic of sexism and consider the roles of women. My photographs, not only portray the description of OCD as originally planned, yet they show a strong link to Aldridge's work. My photographs show the devestation and destruction of pressure; there is various amounts of pressure put on to someone who suffers and lives with OCD, and that only comes from themselves, whereas, if I were to bring the roles of women into it, there seems to be more pressure for a woman to strive and go for something not stereotypically known as a woman's job, and then to succeed.
Aldridge's focus was to go against society and create a mixture between the past and the modern day.
I am interested in taking this idea further.
I intend to take my developments out of the studio and experiment on location in various kitchens.

'Gender roles are closely linked with gender stereotypes. Stereotypes are "overgeneralized beliefs about people based on their membership in one of many social categories" (Anselmi and Law 1998, p. 195). Gender stereotypes vary on four dimensions: traits, role behaviors, physical characteristics, and occupations (Deaux and Lewis 1983). For example, whereas men are more likely to be perceived as aggressive and competitive, women are more likely to be viewed as passive and cooperative. Traditionally, men have been viewed as financial providers, whereas women have been viewed as caretakers. Physical characteristics and occupations have also been considered consistent or inconsistent with masculine or feminine roles.'

'Gender roles and stereotypes affect couple and family interaction. Often, for example, the division of household labor is based on gender. Traditionally, white women in heterosexual couples remained at home and completed most of the domestic labor, while their male partners worked outside the home to provide the family income. Although women have increasingly joined the workforce over the past thirty years, they continue to do the majority of the household labor.'


Emily Davison portrait.jpg
Suffragette Emily Davison
Before the war, women traditionally found a husband, reproduced, then spent their lives dedicated to home life. Cooking and baking was always a massive part of this role and was one of the main ways for the woman to 'provide' for the family.
Once the war came, the roles of women were very full on. As soldiers went off to war, the women were left to look after the home and their children. They also took up a big role in becoming nurses for wounded soldiers, (a nurse being another typical woman's role.)

There was, however, a very contrasting subject going on;
Starting at the beginning of the 20th century, women fought for equality.
This became a very famous event that happened over a number of years, ending in 1928 when all women over the age of 21 could vote in elections.
This happened due to the dedication of the women invovled. For example, a popular event included the woman Emily Davison who tragically died when jumping infront of the King's horse during a derby.

I believe that this was an underlying beginning to women's rights and freedom. It showed people that women could stand up for themselves. Men started to fear women after these events, whereas women just wanted equality.

Moving forward to modern day, equality has improved in vast amounts, however, it can still cause stereotypes within the home.
There are many jokes that link in with sexism.
Moodboard on women in the kitchen
The mood board that I have created, almost portrays a certain sense of power. Fashion photographers have used influential famous women in their works which essentially shows another side to their skills- it is almost a statement to say that on top of being so influential in the film industry, they take on a domestic role, adding to their talents.
 A general statement for women is to be put in their place. The kitchen is one of those places that can be seen as a limiting environment for a woman to be in as it is known to be their natural environment. 

Over the years women such as Hillary Clinton, Reece Wetherspoon and Emma Watson have fought for gender equality and women's rights.
I want to explore the power of women further through my project. 
Linking in with my previous experiments, I want to show the importance of women and document how times have changed. 

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