Initial Ideas

Once chosen the title 'Baking,' I started to think of the small details surrounding the topic.

I started off with the basic observations;
The process
The Ingredients
The order
The combination
The mixing
The heating/baking
The outcome

However, to me, baking is a very straight forward concept.

Statement of Intent

My chosen exam question is Baking.
I initially chose this starting point, as I find baking very visually exciting to me. I enjoy baking as a hobby, and feel that there are a lot of components to baking which make it successful.

My initial idea is to take the process of baking and turn it into something out of it's original situation.

I am inspired by the work of Nik Sharma, Miles Aldridge and Carl Kleiner, each having their own unique style to baking.
Nik Sharma is a chef, and uses photography as a selling point to his career. What I admire about his work, is the harsh lighting that he uses to create a dark and moody atmosphere. I also, am interested by the movement that Sharma captures within the ingredients. This is something that I intend to experiment with and develop my skills within the studio.

Miles Aldridge is an established fashion photographer, however, has taken the theme of baking and incorporated this in his style. What I like about his work is the artificial aspect and the narratives behind them. He has used a topic surrounding baking, showing a contrast between the roles of women.

 Lastly, photographer Carl Kleiner. He was selected to be part of the IKEA recipe book, composing and taking the photographs for this. He creates a certain order within his photographs. I am particularly interested in the precise placing of ingredients within his work, to create the perfect composition. I also like the fact his work mainly shows the individual ingredients, expressing the process of baking before and after.

For my exam project, I aim to take inspiration from these photographers to create a series of photographs that explore movement and order within the baking industry. I intend to create a narrative/subject to my project which can explore processes within baking. I aim to relate the concept of baking to the outside world, linking it to society and exploring the similarities and differences.

The techniques that I want to take forward in this exam project, is studio work and using the lighting to create a desired mood and contrast. I also aim to observe and explore the movement within food photography.

As my thoughts developed, I began to think in more depth about the processes of baking- You start out with simple ingredients and combine them together, you get an outcome. I looked back at my initial exploration photographs and realised that this was a recurring aspect.

When we bake, we either follow a recipe, or it is trial and error. We end up having slight disappointment when we bake something, and the result does not look nearly as professional as it does on the recipe sheet. This is due to experience and the quality of photography.
This then, led me to relate this to every day life.

As a human being, we all contain DNA- This is our recipe to make us who we are. We contain various ingredients that make us a unique outcome.

What if we accidentally added too much of one ingredient?

What if we forget to add a certain ingredient?

Would it effect the outcome?

As for baking, if we forget an ingredient, or add too much or too little of something, it could drastically change the outcome.

Would this be the same for a human?

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